Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cloudy Day

Well, today didn't turn out like I had planned. I woke up at 6:30am (11:30pm in MN) today, fully intending to take the train out to the Munich International School to meet with my supervisor. That didn't happen. I took the train out to Starnberg, where the school is, but got off at the wrong stop and tried for a half an hour to find the bus that would take me to the school. By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late to visit the school. At least I figured this out now, instead of making that mistake on Monday when I actually start student teaching. I'm going to visit the school tomorrow, now that I know exactly where I'm going.

On the positive side, the lake in Starnberg by the train station is gorgeous! I hope to get back there soon, maybe tomorrow, to take lots of pictures!! I spent the rest of the day chilling in my apartment. It was cloudy, windy and a bit rainy today. Not really a day to go exploring. I took a long nap, figured out how to get to work on my computer, and got my TV to work! I watched Family Guy and Futurama auf Deutsch (in German), and now I'm watching BBC News :)

My neighbor, a young German woman, stopped by to introduce herself this evening. She invited me to go out with her and a few friends tomorrow night. Not sure if I really want to go out my first Friday evening here, or spend time relaxing and adjusting. The poll on my facebook status about this seems to be favoring going out. Maybe I'll trust my friends and have an adventure...

Time for bed. Got to get up early and try to get to the school again!

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